No data selected!
Use a data.frame from your environment or from the environment of a package.
n =
if several use a comma (',') to separate them
No file selected:
You can import .csv, .txt, .tsv, .xls, .xlsx files
Nothing pasted yet!
Please copy and paste some data in the dialog box above.
Nothing pasted yet!
Please paste a valid link in the dialog box above.
You can import from flat table format supported by
package rio
Select, rename and convert variables in table above, then apply changes by clicking button below.
Number of rows:
Step 2. Choose variables
[required] ID, one. The unique identifier for the GO term. [required] Description, one. A brief description of the GO term. [required] ONTOLOGY, one. The category of the GO term (e.g., Biological Process [BP], Molecular Function [MF], Cellular Component [CC]). Note that only BP, MF and CC are recognized here. [required] BgRatio, one. The ratio of genes associated with the GO term in the background set (e.g., all genes). [required] GeneRatio, one. The ratio of genes associated with the GO term in your input list. [required] p.adjust, one. The adjusted p-value, which accounts for multiple testing (e.g., using the Benjamini-Hochberg method).